Samstag, 17. Oktober 2009

Demonstration in Athen nach Foltertod eines pakistanischen Flüchtlings

Athen am 17. Oktober 2009 - Transparent: „Mohammed Kamran Atif, tot nach Folter auf der Polizeiwache von Nikaia – Mörder“

Nachdem vor einer Woche ein 25-jähriger pakistanischer Flüchtling, Mohammed Kamran Atif, infolge schwerer Mißhandlungen und Folter durch griechische Polizisten gestorben war, fand heute in Athen eine Demonstration von anarchistischen Gruppen statt. Anschließend wurde das Rathaus der Athener Gemeinde Nikaia besetzt. Wir dokumentieren den Bericht von libcom:

Athens anti-torture demo leads to clashes and occupation of city hall

Anti-torture demo, over death of electroshocked immigrant, leads to clashes with riot police, arrests and occupation of city hall, in Nikea, an industrial suburb of Athens.

The city hall of Nikea, an industrial and prominently communist suburb of Athens, is under occupation since Saturday 17/10 afternoon by anarchists demanding the release of people arrested during clashes with riot police outside the police department where a Pakistani immigrant, Mohamed Karman Atif, was tortured by beating and electric shocks leading to his death last week.

The demo, organised by several anarchist collectives, marched to the police station, where it was confronted by strong riot police forces. The protesters tried to break through the blockade by throwing stones to the police. In the clashes that ensued several people were detained, out of which some are being reported as arrested and charged.

The protesters then regathered and occupied the city hall in a surprise move. The mayor of the suburb, a Communist Party (KKE) cadre, has visited the occupied city hall and has declared that the police should by no means attempt to evacuate the 300 protesters who remain in it, nor arrest anyone leaving the premises.

What follows is the first communique of the occupied city hall:

"Communique of the Occupied City Hall of Nikea

400 protesters gathered today October 17 in the streets of Nikea in a march of rage against the recent assassination of the 25 year old pakistani immigrant Mohamed Karman Atif by torture in the police station of Nikea, a march called by anarchist collectives and a local assembly of the area. We crossed the main streets of the area, from the house of the murdered man and moved towards the police station. Strong riot police forces (MAT) and motorised police forces (Z-team) that "accompanied the demo have proved the official stance of the now Socialist Ministry of Public Order (Ministry of Citizens Protection): whitewashing and protecting torturers murderers, the police occupation of the area. All that was happening will continue as normal: beatings, torture, humiliations in all the police stations of the country.

During the protest march there was strong rain. But what rained near the police station of Nikea was not just water drops. The riot police brigade blocking the way to the police station received a rain of stones. The organised continuation of the march and the retreat from the hot-spot was hampered by a combined force of riot policemen at the back and on the sides of the march. Our defenses held, while locals from the sidewalks swore and verbally attacked the police army of occupation. Yet, in a cloud of tear gas and glob attacks some got cut off from the march and as a result they were detained. The march was completed in the location perivolaki, as planned and given the detentions a great number of the protesters moved to occupy the city hall demanding the immediate release of the hostage comrades. Some people who decided to leave were stopped by motorised police forces and were also detained. The exact number of detentions is yet not known, but is certainly double-digit. The process of arrest has already started for some.

This is the apex of the new state dogma of "democracy and strength" as announced by the new minster of Public Order Michalis Chrisochoidis against the world of the insurgency and anyone potentially resisting. It is like two days ago during the demo of the Perama shipyard workers and unemployed at the Ministry of Labour. It is like the now police-occupied Exarcheia. It is like the recent persecutions of high-school occupations. It will be the same with the dockworkers of Peiraeus who are against the sell-out to COSCO, or the 1,400 workers of the Skaramangas shipyards threatened to be sacked.Police barbarity is only the repressive side of state-capitalist barbarity: oppression, exploitation, subjugation, death. The new political management's main role is to manage the social dimension of the crisis of our times: the all-expanding disobedience to and clash with the demands of political and economic power. There is no place for illusions. No change will come from no new government. This has always been the case.State terrorism continues and with it continues the struggle for social and individual liberation, for a free world without power.

Immediate release of detained protesters!

Removal of all accusations against them!

Immediate retreat of all police forces from the neighborhoods of Nikea and from around the city hall!

The assembly of the occupied city hall of Nikea."


Leben und Sterben in Athen

Ein 25-jähriger pakistanischer Flüchtling starb in der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag (9/10. Oktober 2009) in Athen an den Folgen von brutaler Verhaftung, Schlägen und Elektroschocks auf einer Polizeiwache. Der junge Mann ohne Papiere, Mohammed Kamran Atif, war zwei Wochen zuvor irrtümlich verhaftet und dann von der Athener Polizei schwer mißhandelt worden, wie clandestinenglish in Thessaloniki unter Berufung auf die website TV Χωρίς Σύνορα (TV ohne Grenzen) berichtete.

Dem Bericht zufolge war am 26. September um 1 Uhr 30 nachts eine 15-köpfige Polizeimeute in das Haus des Immigranten in der Iliopoulos-Straße 82, in der Athener Vorstadt Nikaia, gestürmt und hatte dort den Gesuchten und seine Familie unter Gebrüll mit Schlägen mißhandelt. Nach Zeugenaussagen von Nachbarn war Kamran bereits halb ohnmächtig, als die Polizisten ihn und seine Familie offenbar auf allen Vieren aus dem Haus trieben , wobei sein Kopf mehrfach gegen die Treppe geschlagen haben soll. Grund des Überfall war der Vorwurf der Mißhandlung von Minderjährigen: Er soll ein Kind geschlagen haben.

Er wurde dann auf die Polizeiwache Nikaia gebracht, die sich in eine Folterkammer verwandelte. Kamran blieb hier zwei Tage in Gewahrsam. Der Vorwurf erwies sich jedoch als haltlos, und der Kläger zog seine Beschuldigung zurück. Kamran wurde dann freigelassen, und er berichtete seinen Familienangehörigen von dem Martyrium auf der Polizeiwache. Seine Peiniger hatten ihn nach Familienangaben zuerst an Händen und Füssen gefesselt und dann mit Knüppeln geschlagen und mit Kabeln an Knien und Händen per Elektroschock gefoltert.

Nicht nur die Familie, sondern auch die Nachbarn wußten von den Mißhandlungen auf der Wache. Kamran hatte jedoch Furcht, sich in ein Krankenhaus zu begeben, da ein neues Gesetz die Behandlung von Personen ohne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung verbietet. Gleichzeitig versuchte die Polizei, den ganzen Vorgang zu vertuschen. Sie brachten Kamrans Bruder unter Druck dazu, schriftlich zu bestätigen, daß Kamran bei der Freilassung keine Spuren von Mißhandlungen aufgewiesen habe. Am frühen Samstagmorgen (1. Oktober) starb Mohammed Kamran Atif dann an den Folgen seiner Verletzungen.

Bereits am Sonntag, den 11. Oktober, veranstaltete die Pakistanische Community in Griechenland, die Organisation “United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat” und das linksradikale Bündnis ANTYARSA eine Protestveranstaltung vor dem Haus der Familie von Mohammed Kamran Atif.



tvxs (Bericht vom 10. Oktober)

tvxs (Protestkundgebung am 11. Oktober)

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