Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010

Cornelius Castoriadis on revolution

When we talk about revolution we have to get rid off all the images we have in our mind about barricades, occupation of the 'Winter Palaces', civil wars, killings, urban guerrilla etc. But we can talk later if using violence is a necessary event or a necessary bad thing or just an accident during revolutions.


Revolution is the expressed and clarified change of a society's institutions, as many of them are dependant by expressed institutionalization, with the collective action of this society or the majority of it. Expressed and clarified change, because institutional changes are always happening.


It becomes obvious that the meaning of the word revolution is tightly connected with the 'spearhead' ('projet' in french, 'Entwurf' in german) of autonomy.

Cornelius Castoriadis (1922 - 1997)

(from Indymedia Germany)


Projeter= (vorwärts) schleudern oder werfen, herausschleudern

Projet = Plan, Entwurf, Projekt

Projet de loi = Gesetzesentwurf

Projet de contrat = Vertragsentwurf

Projet de pleins pouvoirs= Ermächtigungsgesetzentwurf

Homme à projets= Projektemacher

(from "Das Große Wörterbuch Französisch-Deutsch Deutsch-Französisch", von Dr. Ernst Erwin Lange-Kowal unter Mitarbeit von Louis Beaucaire, Langenscheidt, Berlin - München 1963, Seite 466)


Photo: Cornelius Castoriadis with dancer-choreographer Clara Gibson (from Wikipedia)

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